Everybody seems to know what the network marketing is all about. But, frankly speaking, not everybody has the right idea of it. Many fear the word combination "network marketing" like the plague. The situation is quite familiar, isn't it?=)
Unfortunately, this stereotype was shaped in our minds when there were a lot of scams and fraud-day firms, and now it is based on the generally established opinion. Though sometimes this opinion has absolutely no foundation. We will not speak for the others. Here we can speak for ourselves: MLMSites is a civilised modern business. But it cannot tell you about itself. The specific feature of the network marketing is that its principles are broadcast by its distributors.

In order to achieve some of your goals here, you should learn to present yourself and your business and adequately respond to skeptical attacks. This is called "work with objections."

Firstly, always start with the correct definition of your business. Even if a person does not ask you provocative questions, it does not mean he has no prejudice against MLM. Maybe he is just very polite and shy.
First of all, explain to the person that the network marketing is not foisting off products, as many people think. It is a promotion, selling of goods of a certain brand through distributors. Direct sales have a distinct advantage under the circumstances of high competition. Buying from a distributor, the customer receives not only a product, but also detailed information about the product. This is a first class service that you are unlikely to get in stores, at least at a reasonable price.

Furthermore, the network marketing is usually advantageous to both parties. The benefit of the Seller is understandable. The Buyer does not have to queue, read the fine print on the packaging, and rack his/her brains at what product to choose. If the item is defective, the MLM companies replace it without any extra explanation, because they value their reputation a lot, providing customers with all kinds of guarantees.

If your potential partner has already got a negative opinion, but has no MLM experience, use this advantage. After all, it means not only lack of experience, but also lack of negative experience. Tell him/her of all the above-mentioned advantages, and offer to try the new business.
Invite that person to a meeting of partners, seminar, to your world, so that he/she might see that there are the same people as he/she is. The only difference is that they earn good money=).
Let the person want to become part of your world. If your personal world in MLM is not yet so good, you can always rely on your leader or mentor who can help you with the presentation and development of the joint programme of promotion. This is the uniqueness of the MLM business.