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MLM: How to Make Oneself Work

MLM: How to Make Oneself Work

It is not so easy to get down to work at home. The TV, fridge, domestic chores are the enemies of effective and productive work.

March 8, 2015 at 12:13 am

At last you are free from the "honourable" duties of an office clerk, and your dwelling place has turned into a real home-office. You should be happy! But it is so hard to get down to work at home. The TV, fridge, domestic chores are the enemies of effective and productive work. You are constantly distracted by the household stuff, and consequently, do not devote enough time and do not pay much attention to business issues. After all, how can one make oneself work at home?

MLM: How to Make Oneself Work

Work at Right Time

Do not try to fit into the conventional framework. Find the RIGHT TIME for yourself. If you are an early bird, work in the morning, if you are a night owl, do your job in the evening. Otherwise you will end up with a permanent stress.

MLM: How to Make Oneself Work

Determine Your Working Hours

Though at home, you work, but not just wile away the time. Therefore, determine your working hours. The main thing is to stick to your routine and regimen. You decided to work from seven to ten PM, didn't you? All right then. Do it every day. In a month your body will get used to it.

MLM: How to Make Oneself Work

Do Not Sacrifice Your Sleep

Archaic though it may sound, the regimen is the basis of a healthy life, which involves work, rest, education, sports, etc... So never work to the detriment of sleep, otherwise your life will turn into chaos.

MLM: How to Make Oneself Work

Social Networks'Taboo

Of course, if you are in the network marketing, you cannot ignore VK, Facebook, Instagram and other social resources. But during your working hours just forget about exchanging notes with friends and commenting the page of your favorite restaurant. Or you will lose too much of your precious time.

Begin Your Day with Same Things

In any office the working day begins with a ritual: a cup of fresh coffee, a briefing, etc. Invent your own tradition: put on your "working clothes", have a cup of coffee, arrange your working place. This is the way to get down to work in the best possible way. 

MLM: How to Make Oneself Work

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