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It's Nice to Work with MLMSites!

It's Nice to Work with MLMSites!

We conducted a survey of our existing customers, and here are their reviews re MLMSites!

June 22, 2015 at 10:01 am

We have studied the loyalty of our audience to the websites of the MLMSites company. The result is stunning, and we want to share it with you!

It all started with a letter on behalf of the Project Manager Vladimir Morozov which offered a number of our customers to pass a survey, with the reward of 5 days' subscription service. The link circulated privately among random customers for a limited time. Everything was to be honest. Our task was to collect reliable data to improve some weaknesses, if any.

It's Nice to Work with MLMSites!

In the survey special attention was paid to the quality of the website maintenance, customer support, and affiliate program functioning.

Please rate your satisfaction with the quality of MLMSites in general
It's Nice to Work with MLMSites!

The vast majority of customers have put the highest marks. Our quality control service contacted the rest of the clients to help them solve their problems. More than 80 per cent of our customers are satisfied with the quality MLMSites (estimate: 8-10).

It's Nice to Work with MLMSites!

9 out of 10 customers are satisfied with the speed of registration, opening of the website, and its functioning stability. Given the average level of technical knowledge of our customers, problems related to the speed of the Internet and stability of the clients' computers, such super positive results are staggering! As for those 10 per cent, difficulties mostly arise not because of our server, but because of our clients' own problems, such as computer viruses, etc. 

Ease of the Website Control Panel

One of the important tasks of MLMSites is to train entrepreneurs managing their own websites. It is obviously necessary to have a simple and at the same time flexible control panel for people with low level of computer literacy (there are quite a few of them) to be able to cope with it.

It's Nice to Work with MLMSites!

About 2/3 of the customers are fully satisfied with the system and know how to use it! Our partners already help the rest of the project participants eliminate gaps in their knowledge knowledge and use their websites more efficiently.  Just imagine that only 2 out of 100 customers thought the system inconvenient. We are incredibly pleased to with such results!

Help and Support

The availability of instructions and support is an important part of any business process. Let's see how MLMSites customers are satisfied with this.

It's Nice to Work with MLMSites!

8 out of 10 clients fully understand the instructions and are satisfied with the quality of support. From 40 to 60 per cent are satisfied with the educational videos so much that they never applied for any help or support. We contacted the remaining 3-10 per cent to answer their questions either individually or via their sponsors. By the way, let's have a look at how those sponsors work:

It's Nice to Work with MLMSites!

The high percentage of the customers satisfied with the quality of sponsors' work proves that the program of training and support has been very deeply thought over and thoroughly worked out by the company. We show a very high score for duplication of the business and the building structure. Much time is devoted to training. A few words about the training  which satisfied 84 per cent of the clients:

It's Nice to Work with MLMSites!

We were totally amazed by the answer to the final question:

It's Nice to Work with MLMSites!

As many as 100 per cent of the customers are loyal and recommend the MLMSites company to those who need a website.
Thank you, our dear partners, clients, and sponsors. Together we make the best platform for creating websites on the Internet!

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