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Long Live Blogs!

Long Live Blogs!

Meet the unique system of blogs from MLMSites

November 29, 2014 at 11:37 pm

We have so unexpectedly and quietly passed from massive albums in VKontakte to concise posts in Instagram. We will not touch upon the ardent fans of selfies taken in absurd and even indecent interiors. The rest of Instagram is full of positive and quite talented photographers, transmitting a very positive view of the surrounding reality.

Long Live Blogs!

We are not going to re-create Instagram, but it would be foolish to ignore the general trend. We live in an age of informational globalisation: we have no time for writing and reading much. We can only afford to read and write some small pieces of information taken out of the context. Therefore, these pieces should contain the most important idea. Quintessence is the main thing. That is why the "News" gave way to "Blogs".

Long Live Blogs!
Long Live Blogs!

We are sure, your communication with partners will move to a new level. It often happens: a good idea flashed in your mind, and you want to share it with like-minded people as soon as possible.  But the problem is that you are not at your desk, but on the train, at a restaurant, at the doctor's, or God knows where else. Your good idea is "fading", and it does not seem so great any longer. Good ideas are best served "hot" before your enthusiasm is gone for good. Forget about putting it down "next morning." There is no "next morning" for you. All that seemed brilliant last night looks pretty boring next morning, and is cluttered with lots of BUTs and IFs.

Long Live Blogs!
Long Live Blogs!

If you finally get down to the constructive process, you need to sit comfortably in front of the monitor, collect your thoughts, etc. And suddenly you grow numb! There appear phrases and sentences you never used, seemingly making your text more impressive. Finally, you lose your identity as a leader. No wonder such official and impersonal texts are much less interesting and inspiring. But we would like you to share your creative ideas and emotions with your partners, and charge them with enthusiasm. We want you to be an artist who takes up his brush and works with inspiration! Your easel and brush can be either a fine smartphone or a tablet. Now all you need is an Internet connection and a flight of thought. We have done everything for your creative work to be comfortable anywhere at any time.

Long Live Blogs!
Long Live Blogs!

The blogging system has a special easy program for editing photos, so the "pocket photoshop" is there for you. You do not need any special knowledge and skills for your posts to always look attractive, very modern and neat.

Long Live Blogs!

Writing has become so convenient that it is a pleasant and addictive process now. We are sure you will gladly start your morning not only with a cup of coffee, but also with a little post to motivate your team. Bear in mind that your texts should be succinct, and easy to read and comprehend.

Long Live Blogs!
Long Live Blogs!

Write! Be Creative! Experiment!

Long Live Blogs!
Long Live Blogs!

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