All that can negatively affect your capacity for work and confidence in strength must be immediately sent to hell. Old things that clog up your space should be thrown away from your home. Cynical as it may sound, the same refers to people. We do not suggest that you exile the people you do not find agreeable to an uninhabited island, but be selective as far as those around you are concerned. We do not mean your parents or relatives, but those you can allow yourself not to communicate with.
The roots of many failures should be sought in the environment. Look closely at the people around you: what do they say to you, what do they recommend you to do? Are they ready to help you, can tell you the truth? So, who should you be afraid of?
Among others, there are people who are always negative about any undertaking. When you are still committed and enthusiastic they announce their verdict "It will not work!" They are ready to answer any question, and if you say "What if..." they have their strong argumentation and merciless statistics.
They are not pessimists. In contradistinction to the latter, they know that everything in this world is possible. But their task is to prevent you from taking the advantage of this opportunity. Someone may call them losers. No, this title is too high for them. A loser deserves much more respect. He tries to do something time and again, he is not afraid of making a fresh start, but something just does not work. As a rule, he knocks at the wrong door that will never open for him, and simply does not notice the right one. If this poor guy meets a wise and loyal friend who will break the vicious circle of his failures, he will get his bit of luck after all.
Now, back to the people in question. They are kind of energy vampires. The paradox is, they are incredibly lazy. These people are fond of criticising the authorities, rich and public people, successful businessmen. Their conclusions are full of logic, and they keep explaining to us how we should live. Still, for some reason they live in a tiny rented apartment, have an insufferable husband or wife, unruly children and hateful work. If you ask them what they have done to change the course of their lives, they will hardly tell you something intelligible. They justify their failures in their "wise" monlogues. This is the way they seek for support in this world. They speak so beautifully that nobody ever questions their life experience.
If they start flogging your plans saying "I have also tried to do it", do not believe a word of it. Even if they tried to do something, all their endeavors ended up soon after they had started. Even if there is some truth in their words, do not believe them. If they failed, it does not mean you are to fail, too.
To sum it up, if you see such people around you, run away from them as quickly as you can. Reduce your communication to zero. If you have to see them regularly, change the style of communication. Do not let them have any food for thought, do not talk to them about your success and do not share your plans. Speak with them about something neutral: the weather, politics, TV shows...
And most imortantly, have a close look at yourself. Do you justify your laziness by some circumstances and other people's misfortunes? If you do, get rid of all these maladies as soon as possible. Go to the gym regularly, work, watch good films, read books, and you will have no time for nonsense. Forbid yourself to talk about your life negatively. You will see that in some time there will be a positive result. Later on it will be your habit. Otherwise you have no future. It is up to you to decide!