Actively Apply Knowledge You Have
Believe us, your eternal pursuit of knowledge is a road to nowhere. There are many people among us who have graduated from two or even three universities. How many of them are really successful? As a rule, it is "art for art's sake". Education for these people is a kind of drug for stifling their hang-ups. This does not mean we should not learn. We should constantly do it! But we must first understand the challenges we face and the flaws we have. Thus, our education will be much more effective.
If you already have some knowledge, do not hesitate to apply it immediately. After all, there is no guarantee you that everything will turn out the way you expect. You just start practising your knowledge. When the right moment finally comes, you will be prepared for it.
Get Rid of Know-All Syndrome
In addition to the permanent state of learning, many people have one common misconception: the true leader must know all. Let us reassure you: it is not so. You just have to learn one simple truth: it is impossible to know everything. Besides, you can not put all the knowledge into the bowels of your consciousness. Much more appreciated is not the knowledge you have, and the ability to easily navigate through the human situation. The leader must be resourceful and always understand where he can find answers to certain questions, but he/she should not be a walking encyclopedia.
Be Sociable
It may seem obvious. But now we would like to talk about something else. Not just re communicating with people who could potentially be of interest to you from the point of view of your business, but re communicating with all the people that surround you. Do not be rude to waiters, salesmen, casual companions and neighbours. On the contrary, try to find some common ground with each person, providing all possible assistance or service. Make as many contacts as possible. You never know who can help you tomorrow. The more positively disposed people there are around you, the more confident you will feel. Mind you, it may be not only your informational rear=)