Believe in Yourself
Of course, we are all humans. We are prone to reflection and introspection. We love to ask ourselves questions that begin with "What if ..." But a true leader is above all this, he finds the strength to stifle the treacherous voice of doubt. After all, the leader is supposed to have a brave heart. If he shows his uncertainty, people will not trust him.
Remember: even if your status as a leader is not supported by any documents, you have no right to be diffident. Only a strong and confident person has a chance to climb up the career ladder. Self-confidence can overcome fears and doubts. Nobody says that the leader does not make mistakes. The trick is, how to treat them:
"Failure - it is simply the opportunity to begin again, but this time more wisely." © Henry Ford
Protect yourself from the people who doubt your capabilities and keep trying to pull you down to earth, so that nothing should stand in your way on the path to leadership. To cut it short, believe in yourself and remember: you cannot be stopped, you can be only helped.