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MLM: How to Stop Thinking Much

MLM: How to Stop Thinking Much

Stop thinking! It's time to act!

March 11, 2015 at 8:58 pm

Two centuries ago the great classic said, "Wit Works Woe". Indeed! On the one hand, there are many intelligent people, but few of them are able to transfer their conclusions to the plane of reality. On the other hand, absolute dabblers achieve enviable heights. Paradoxically, success is achieved by those who know what to do with it, and not by those who have plenty of knowledge.

MLM: How to Stop Thinking Much

Excellent students learn about the world from "CORRECT" books, and know how to do things theoretically. Yet in real life they are often losers "standing small", whereas those who were far from the top of their class are often the winners who "take it all". We do not mean those who make their fortunes dishonestly. We are talking about those dreamers who may not know that much, but are possessed by a new idea, and boldly go into battle. 

MLM: How to Stop Thinking Much

Draw conclusions, gentlemen! The conclusion is simple: stop thinking! Act! It may seem dead easy. But it will be pretty hard for those used to reading CORRECT books. Well, it is time to start learning things, since nothing is impossible.

Put Yourself Strict Deadlines

When it is necessary to make decisions all intelligent and educated people often say, "What if ..." "We need to wait and see..." and other things, which can bury even the most brilliant idea. Therefore, when making any decision you need to set yourself a deadline. No matter how correct the decision may be, the main thing is, that you will make up your mind. In time, the number of errors will come to naught.

MLM: How to Stop Thinking Much

Go Far, Go Slow!

Remember: go far, go slow. To be head of a large corporation, you need to make the first step. You may even start from distributing flyers or something like that. The main thing is not to retreat. Your first step is the beginning of a long journey (unless it is your last step as well=).

Respect What You Do

Many of us will never make a fresh start. The idea of just distributing flyers instead of doing the job of a middle manager in a large company seems a nightmare. No, thanks: this is not my cup of tea! At this point, many people (at east half of them) drop the idea of changing their life radically. But those who are not accustomed to hesitate, quickly scatter the flyers and proceed to a more pleasant part of their job - they receive their first customers. Maybe they will never do this "dirty work" again. If you belong to the category of office shirkers, do some auto-training. Respect any job you do (after all, you teach your children to respect the work of cleaners), and think about the benefits, rather than of the work itself.

MLM: How to Stop Thinking Much


Stop saying "What if..." Nobody in the world can accurately predict the consequences of his/her actions. After all, anything can happen, natural disasters and other force majeure events included. Stop wasting your time on endless calculations and miscalculations, better do something and see what happens. As they say, relax and have fun!
To be continued....=)

MLM: How to Stop Thinking Much

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