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How to Become Leader

How to Become Leader

Always remember the golden rule!

December 10, 2014 at 3:13 pm

Be Truthful

Always remember the golden rule: "All secrets are revealed". This holds true especially for MLM business, with the role of one person being sometimes more important than that of the whole company. Deception can happen once, but the loss can be disastrous, and unfortunately, endless.

How to Become Leader

After all, your leadership is built on the trust of the people you work with. The only trustworthy advertising channel in network marketing is a word of mouth. Now, imagine: at some restaurant the service was excellent, they helped you with the wine selection and brought a compliment from the chef. You would share this information with 5 or even fewer people you know. But if you were offended, insulted, and, God forbid, cheated at that restaurant, you would certainly make every effort that the incident should become public.

How to Become Leader

It happens similarly in MLM. Rumors and news about unscrupulous leaders are spread across the expanses of the Internet at high speed. You do not get new partners, and moreover, your old ones will soon leave you for a more trustworthy and caring mentor.

How to Become Leader

So never say anything unless you know for sure it is true. If you doubt about something, you can only speak of your assumptions. English is one of the richest languages in the world! So you can use such expressions as "I suppose", "I believe...", "I hope", "in my opinion", "I think it would work, because..." They will help you find a way out of any situation. Even if something does not work, you are honest with yourself and your companions,  as you never approved of this categorically. Believe us, people will stay with you.

How to Become Leader

However, you should not use those expressions too often. If each of your ideas invariably fails, people will sooner or later stop cooperating with you. You are the leader! Be responsible for your words and actions, and, most importantly, do not waste words!

How to Become Leader

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